
2010-02-17 - 16:15:29

Vem tror ni på?


Vem tror ni på? Eller rättare sagt, vad tror ni? Tror ni han är skyldig till det som sägs? Jag tror att han är skyldig..

Jag sa EXAKT som den där tjejen, "jag gjorde det själv", tjena hej! Vem i helvete skulle göra sånt på sig själv? Fan killar som misshandlar sina tjejer är såna jävla ynkryggar, att ens få kalla sig man borde vara olagligt. Att folk kan umgås med sånt folk som slagit sin förredetta tjej, att man överhuvudtaget kan se åt denna persons håll är ett mysterium. Jag anser att mitt EX inte förtjänar annat än olycka och alla som önskar honom lycka eller glädje förtjänar inte heller annat än olycka, hur kan ni ens se åt han håll och ens prata med honom? Hur kan ni se er i spegeln av att umgås/prata med ett sånt kräk? Detta gäller ALLA kvinnomisshandlare och deras vänner mm!..

Om detta har blivit en negativ blogg? Ja, men mitt liv är inte en jävla dans på rosor!.


I bet ya never thought
That it would never turn out like this
Mama's little girl
Daddy's little princess

But somewhere in your fairy tale
Everything went wrong
Now the sun don't shine
The words don't ryhme
You're out of time

You've been beaten down
Kicked around on the ground
But you took it like a woman
Victimized, terrorized, paralyzed
But you took it like a woman
Pushed too far pulled too hard
Deeply scarred
I know you must have felt the pain
But you took it like a woman

Ya thought you had your Mr. Right
But he was really Mr. Hyde
Ya gave him your most precious gift
You were his bleeding bride
He tied you up pulled your hair
He slapped your innocent face
Yeah, you were black and blue
He laughed at you
So what'd you do?

Aw you've been beaten down
Kicked around on the ground
But you took it like a woman
Victimized, terrorized, paralyzed
But you took it like a woman
Pushed too far pulled too hard
Deeply scarred
I know you must have felt the pain
But you took it like a woman

And so its over
Your fantasy life is finally at an end
And the world above is still a brutal place
And the story will start again

You been beaten down
Kicked around on the ground
But you took it like a woman
Victimized, terrorized, paralyzed
But you took it like a woman
Pushed too far pulled too hard
Deeply scarred
I know you must have felt the pain

Felt the pain
I know you must have felt the pain
But you took it like a woman
You took it like a woman
I know you must have felt the pain
You took it like a woman
I know you must have felt the pain
You took it like a woman
I know you must have felt the pain
You took it like a woman

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